新闻 & 正规博彩十大网站排名

man looking at corn crops
Matt Inbusch, Senior Manager, 自然 and Land Use, 通路, WBCSD & Pauline Peek, Communications Lead Agrifood & Biodiversity at Metabolic | 2024年6月7日

自然-positive in agri-food value chains: the why and the how

Clare Allen-Sader, Senior Digital 自然-气候 Consultant at Arup, 莎拉Gillhespy, Sustainable 发展 Specialist at Arup and Claudia Schweizer Liégeard, Built Environment Manager at WBCSD 2023年12月8日

Exploring nature positive buildings

How Kraft Heinz is working toward and contributing to a more sustainable food system
David Shaw, ESG Director, International Zone at Kraft-Heinz 2023年10月17日

The future of food – How Kraft Heinz is working toward and contributing to a more sustainable food system

黛安娜Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD, 名叫Akanksha Khatri, Head, 自然 and Biodiversity, World Economic Forum & Eva Zabey, CEO, Business for 自然 2023年9月12日

Every sector must play their part in contributing towards a nature-positive future. 这是如何

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